you can prevent gender-based violence when you:
Other Resources
PreventConnect: A national project of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault, the goal of PreventConnect is to advance the primary prevention of sexual assault and relationship violence by building a community of practice among people who are engaged in such efforts.
Prevention Institute: National non-profit organization committed to preventing illness and injury, to fostering health and social equity, and to building momentum for community prevention as an integral component of a quality health system.
National Sexual Violence Resource Center: National online resource center for sexual violence and its prevention.
preventIPV: National online resource for primary prevention of intimate partner violence.
VAWNet: National online resource center on violence against women.
Do Something: Using the power of online to get teens to do good stuff offline.
World Health Organization Global Campaign for Violence Prevention: Aims to implement the recommendations of the World report on violence and health by raising awareness about the problem of violence, highlighting the crucial role that public health can play in addressing its causes and consequences, and fostering prevention.
Community Guide to Prevention Services: Resource to help you choose programs and policies to improve health and prevent disease in your community.
Men Can Stop Rape: seeks to mobilize men to use their strength for creating cultures free from violence, especially men’s violence against women.
Futures without Violence: has developed innovative ways to end violence against women, children, and families at home and around the world.
SPARC: The Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center provides descriptions and resources on stalking including documentation logs, downloadable brochures, and training.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline: As well as providing a 24-hour emergency hotline for those experience domestic violence, the National Domestic Violence Hotline website also provides information, safety planning and other resources.
WomensLaw.org: Provides a legal email hotline and other legal resources including state-specific descriptions of sexual violence, domestic violence and stalking laws.
One Love: One Love provides a library of primary prevention resources for healthy relationships that includes videos and discussion guides. They focus on teaching young people how to identify healthy and unhealthy relationship behaviors, and providing resources on boundary setting and break-up safety planning.